Submission form:
VISUAL ARTISTS: All hand-drawn/painted art pieces need to be taken to Mr. Barreto's room, A9, to be properly scanned. Do not fill out this Google Form. When you submit your piece, you will fill out a form by hand with your name, your schedule, and the piece's name. After scanning or photographing, your art will be returned as soon as possible. Digital art and photography can be submitted via this form.
Writer’s Block Submission Guidelines
If you’ve reached this page, you’re now officially a part of the process toward becoming a published writer and/or artist! We at Writer’s Block would love to receive your creative pieces, no matter what they may be. Based on previous years, students have contributed short stories, poems, excerpts, traditional and digital art, photography, collages, and more! We would love to see these pieces published as a part of Cleveland’s amazingly creative community in the “Writer’s Block” magazine. However, some guidelines must be followed as stated below:
Online Submission: All submissions must be sent to the Google Form linked on our website except for physical art works.
FOR TRADITIONAL / PHYSICAL ART: In order to be properly considered, please remember to take your pieces to Mr. Barreto’s room in A Hall with your name, the piece’s name, and your schedule attached. This is to get the best quality through a scan, and your art will be returned to you ASAP!
Number of Pieces: Each author or artist may submit a MAXIMUM of XX pieces per issue.
Title: All pieces require a title. You can title them as “untitled” if you have no idea, but please let us know if you wish to do so. You can do this by naming your text document or changing the name of an image saved to your computer before submitting.
Pen Names: You are welcome to submit pieces under a pseudonym/pen name (as long as it is appropriate) or as an anonymous contributor. Please indicate this at the top of your submission.
Page Limit (WRITTEN WORK): If you want to submit part of a longer work (5 pages or more in fall, 5 pages or more in spring) such as a book you’re working on, please select the excerpt you’d want to see published. We cannot publish longer pieces. We are, however, open to citing the larger piece an excerpt is derived from by mentioning it in the title. Again, please indicate that it is a part of a larger text when submitting.
Am I Guaranteed to be Published? Please be aware that depending on the amount of submissions received, there is a very real possibility that not every submission can be published. We’re hoping to get more than one issue out this year, through creation of short zines to potentially having an online issue; but we can only accommodate for so many submissions per publication. Keep this in mind if you are submitting more than one piece.
Content: Inappropriate content, as defined in Cleveland High School’s rules (i.e. hate speech, etc.), is not acceptable as a submission. It will not be considered at all.
Plagiarism Policy: Plagiarism or use of AI (image or text generators) is not tolerated under any circumstances. All submitted pieces will be put through a plagiarism and artificial intelligence vetting process, and students will be notified if their piece is flagged to discuss with our editing team because we are aware these checkers can make errors occasionally.