VISUAL ARTISTS: All hand-drawn/painted art pieces need to be taken to Mr. Barreto's room, A9, to be properly scanned. Do not fill out this Google Form. When you submit your piece, you will fill out a form by hand with your name, your schedule, and the piece's name. After scanning or photographing, your art will be returned as soon as possible. Digital art and photography can be submitted via this form. 

Writer’s Block Submission Guidelines

If you’ve reached this page, you’re now officially a part of the process toward becoming a published writer and/or artist! We at Writer’s Block would love to receive your creative pieces, no matter what they may be. Based on previous years, students have contributed short stories, poems, excerpts, traditional and digital art, photography, collages, and more! We would love to see these pieces published as a part of Cleveland’s amazingly creative community in the “Writer’s Block” magazine. However, some guidelines must be followed as stated below: